Fruit of a Kind Heart




Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Psalm 51:10

  To pray is to change. This is great grace, How good of God to provide a path whereby our lives can be taken over by love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and faithfulness and gentleness and self-control. With kindness, the difficult becomes easy, the obscure clear; life assume a charm and its miseries are softened If we knew the power of kindness, we should transform this world into a paradise..



Putting our trust on Him


Those who know your name will put their trust in you, for you, O Lord have not forsaken those who seek you.    Psalm 9:10

Because God is responsible for our welfare, we are told to cast all our care upon him, for he cares for us. God says, “Ill take the burden. Don’t give it a thought, leave it to me”. God is keenly aware that we are dependent upon Him for life’s necessities. If you are at a place in your life where you feel like you can’t take one step without the Lords help, be glad. He has you where he wants you.

A Fulfilled Dream


I will give you the treasure of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
Isaiah 45:3

God created us with an overwhelming desire to soar. He designed us to be tremendously productive and to mount up with wings like eagles, realistically dreaming of what He can do with our potential. God is not an elusive dream or a phantom to chase, but a divine person to know. He doesn’t avoid us, but seeks us. When we seek Him, the contact is instantaneous. Lift up your eyes. Your Heavenly Father waits to bless you, in inconceivable way to make your life what you never dreamed it could be.

Free from fear


God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

                                                                                                2 Tim. 1:17

   When you and I feel powerless over our situations, God is able and willing to give us the power we lack. The courage to face a fear head on doesn’t come from within, it comes from God above. We need to trust God. We need to ask Him for the power of Faith. Ask Him for courage. When we fear what the future will hold for us, we need to talk to Him, for He will give us the answers to our worries. He wants us to have confidence, courage, and to trust in Him, for He can take away our fear and our timidness. Let your Faith be bigger than your fear!